Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Really since April 17?

I guess my journey to keeping track is going to be slow. Instead of writing it all out, I'm going to paste the email I just sent to my trainers for the spring make over challenge.  We are 1 week in and it's easy, simply because it's new.  I have a feeling I'll be singing a different tune come early June.

What success did you have so far? Successes were many.  I managed to get ALL my cardio in each day, except for Sunday when I took a rest day.  I looked for where I could fit it in while on a weekend trip with the boys - not vacation I was still "working"!  I was able to be at Black Butte with my sister, without my husband and not have 1 drink, not even a beer or glass of wine.  Honestly it wasn't that hard, I didn't want/need it and watching my sister freak out when she realized I was on the wagon and didn't bring any alcohol was enough to turn me off drinking for good.  I ate within my calorie goal, actually I was under but not because I was trying, it just worked out this way.  Yesterday I made a point of eating, eating, eating and I was 50 over, but did 2 40 minute workouts so I'm okay with that. 
Biggest success for me - but don't count this weight b/c I feel like I need to weigh myself at night at the same time I had my first weigh in - is that I've dropped almost 10 pounds since I started focusing back on myself on April 12.  I stepped on the scale that day and weighed 199 pounds and was HORRIFIED!  It is not how I see myself and I was devistated that I'd let myself get to this place, again.  Every pound I lost last summer preparing for my third degree test was back on.  I was slow, sluggish, and cranky mama.  It was hard but something in me shifted and I think this time as long as I stay accountable to myself its going to work.  I've got the ultimate goal in mind, but I'm not saying it out loud.  What I am focusing on is 10 pound increments.  Those are HUGE.  I know in weight watchers world I've lost 5% of my body weight, next celebration will be 10%.  So this morning I stepped on the scale and low and behold the numbers said 189.2.  I know the beginning will move faster so I'm savoring every moment.  Also my overall heartrate on my run was lower, average was 136 for my couch to 5K run, rather than 147 like it was 10 workouts ago.  So there are my current successes.

What did you find difficult? Right now not much.  It's early, I'm 3 weeks into this crazy workout schedule and I'm still seeing significant results so I'm motivated.  I know that when things start to slow down is when I'll have to start looking at all the things and plan for it.  Oh and getting in the weight lifting.  I need to buy hand weights for home so I can just bust out a 30 - 45 minute session and not have to get into the gym.  I still have today to call it a week!  LOL

How do you plan to stay motivated and get through your obstacles? I'm an OCD planner, so as long as I plan ahead I'm okay.  It's the surprises that throw me.  I had a moment a few weeks ago where I had to ask myself.  I have made it through 3 very long black belt tests in Poekoelan and have done it, not without tears, and have passed.  I did some things last summer that sucked beyond belief in preparation - super hot and super cold baths EVERY day to nameone thing - but I did it every day.  So my question for myself was, "if I can do this in preparation, why can't I put the same focuse on myself and do it just for me?"  The first answer was that I felt guilty taking the time away from my boys and my husband, but I realized that If i don't take the time we are not living in a house of joy.  I realized that this journey is about me, not anyone else and if I don't start putting me first then where will I be in 10 years?  Where will I be in 20 years?  My teacher will be 60 this year and she can kick my butt into next year if she wants.  I intend to be that strong when I'm 60.  Also i had to ACCEPT where I was and start at the beginning.  It was a bitter pill to swallow, but I knew that putting my head in the sand was not going to make it change.  So I guess my plan is to keep looking in the mirror, going back to what I"ve written at the start, keep using my blog (which I haven't touched in about 10 days but will do so today).

What is your workout plan this week?  You want the plan written on my fridge?  Here it goes:
Monday - walk 60 minutes
Tuesday - run Couch to 5K (probably going to be a short cardio day)
Wednesday - walk 45 in the morning with the dog, come get killed in KB with Alta in the evening
Thursday - do some sort of 30 minute cardio thing before W.O.W at the gym in the morning
Friday - run Couch to 5K - start week 4 (oh hell!) - after I finish my run if time walk for 20 more minutes
Saturday - rest, or do a slow long walk
Sunday - Run Couch to 5K, finish with whatever cardio time I have left walking.

I know I'm missing a weight session.  I'm working on a plan.  Oh and the days that I'm running in the morning I'm hoping to stop in the gym.  If I still need cardio I'll do it after the boys go to sleep at 8:00, and then add in some weights until I have my own.

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