Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Still going

I have a group of boys that I work with and we have been working on knight's shields and a group totem pole. One of the animals, which I forgot about until I laminated the shields, is the turtle. According to my papers the turtle is known for it's protection of others. As a counselor and mother I find this very fitting. My job is to protect the needs of those in my building and as a mother my ultimate job is to always protect my sons. I love the imagery of a turtle, who is so delicate when the head and legs are out, but can snap into the shell immediately and be totally protected. I know the layer of fat that I carry around my body is my own shell, what I am working on is creating the energetic shell defense, so that I can lose the actual physical shell. Little by little this can happen.

I got up and ran this morning before work. As long as the runs aren't longer than 30 minutes I can easily do a morning run. It was not joy, but it felt good after. I feel a strength coming back to me that I haven't felt since I started back at my job. Balance is the key. Remembering that I can. I have. I will. But not having to repeat, because I am tulen I already know this! How I love that concept, being part of the larger Tulen community and knowing in my ilmu without hearing it what my teachers are teaching. Constant trust. Remembering that I have trust. I am trust. I will trust. Sometimes I forget I'm a bantoe, and then I see the tape on my bedside table - yes gross I know but it's the reminder of what I went through - and remember.

Turtle pace will always win the race.

Blessed be. So be it. It is.

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