Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday. Day of rest? Nope!

No photos yet, they will happen sometime today though. Perhaps after the heathens go back to sleep. I made it to the gym for day 4 of working out for 30 days. I did the couch to 5K run, week 1. Acceptance that I have to start over to ensure that I don't get hurt. It was a tough pill to swallow, but starting over is just one part of this process. Hopefully that last start over I'll do, again. period. After my "run" that I actually turned into a H.I.T workout I did some lifting and then embraced my bff, the foam roller. I loathe that thing, but know it's so good for my IT bands and everything else. Reduces swelling and soreness.

Funny while running one of my intervals I really thought about the idea of RAW while running and realized that as long as I'm relaxed I can push through. Last 2 intervals I also ran forms in my head. Letting myself go to Set 1 and see it rather than feel my legs was what I needed to push to max bpm - thank you my lovely heart rate monitor. Soon I'll hit the streets, but right now this is a good start. And I can track my gym visits. I did 2.02 miles in 29 minutes. We'll see how this gets better as I start running more, although I will say I walk a mean clip!

Food seems easier b/c I just don't care. Of course I care, but I'm breaking that cycle of not working out so I feel like crap so I eat crap which makes me feel like crap so I don't work out so I feel like crap so I eat more crap. again and again and again. Which is why this blog is about my journey back to me. By being able to see this is about me, I can see how this is about me and how I can support myself. How I can be a better me and ultimately be a better mom and wife. They all say I'm good, but I'd always like to be better.

Goal I have before the end of 2012 is to do crossfit. I am terrified of the entire process, but feel like if I keep at what I'm doing and then stay focused I can do it. But that is a long term out there goal. Right now my goal is 30 days of working out/moving in some way shape or form for more than 30 minutes a day. This is MY TIME, not anyone else's. Keep hydrated, keep strong, keep patient. Things will reshape with patience and time.

Blessed be. So be it. It is.

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